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Other Editions

An new section for SK collectibles that do not fit in the traditional core Limited or 1st Editions sections. If you see any missing info or inaccuracies please email me!

A big Thank You to for donating many of the photos in this section of the site.


Titles without active hyperlinks are not ready yet and will be coming later in 2024.

A Book of Horrors • He is Legend
A Life in the Cinema • Hope and Miracles
Bachman Books (The) • House Next Door (The)
Battleground • Ideal Genuine Man (The)
Best of Cemetery Dance • J.N Willamson's Illustraded Masques
Big Book of Necon (The) • Journals of Elenor Druse (The)
Book of the Dead • Killer Inside me (The)
Borderlands 5 • Legacies
Century's Best Horror Fiction • Legends
Charlie The Choo-Choo • Letters from Hell
Complete Masters of Darkness • Lisey's Story - Gift Edition
Dandelion Wine • Night Visions 5
Dark Dreamers •One For the Road
Dark Tower Audio Book - The Gunslinger • Postscripts 10
Dark Tower Audio Book - Drawing of the Three • Prime Evil
Diary of Ellen Rimbauer • Quietly Now
Dystopia • Rainy Seasons Print
Faithful • Rock Bottom Remainers Lithograph
Fantasy & Science Fiction - Gunslinger Issues Shawshank Bible (The)
Fantasy & Science Fiction - Stephen King Issue  
Fear Itself • Signatures
Fifty-to-One • Sins of the Fathers (The)
Flight or Fright • Taylor Cujo Guitar
Frankenstein • Transgressions
Full Dark No Stars SFCB edition • Upper Deck Collectible Cards
Full Throttle • Very Best of Best New Horror (The)
Gauntlet 2 - • Whispers
• Gerald's Game ARC  
• Ghost Brothers of Darkland County  
• Girl Next Door  
• Great Ghost Stories  



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